Search Your Cloud

Web makeover for big data search and security software

I just did a search for “relevance” on Google. It returned 377 million results. Kinda irrelevant, don’t you think?

That’s one of the key features of Search Your Cloud (SYC). They offer relevant search results instead of the overwhelming garbage dump of a Google search.

The Search for Irrelevance

Relevancy becomes a critical factor when enterprises consider the hundreds or thousands of hours employees spend searching for critical data. With the rate at which data compounds annually, they are finding themselves underwater in a sea of data spread across tons of servers and devices.

When you add the issue of searching private, encrypted files, Google suddenly becomes irrelevant.

SYC reached out to 3 Media Web with Robbie Moore as virtual creative director to make their two primary benefits – speed and security – easy to grasp, yet sufficiently robust for the tech-savvy target audience. Using bold, simple headlines and arresting images like a snail race or an iceberg, site visitors are shocked to learn: Google doesn’t have all the answers.

Search Your Cloud Gallery

(Click thumbnails to view larger images)